Oh Bill, thanks for coming so quickly! What's the matter Steve? It's just that... I can't believe that... jailbreaking is legal hmmm... well you can always look on the bright side What bright side? Think of all those voided warranties!

Oh Bill, thanks for coming so quickly!
What's the matter Steve?
It's just that...
I can't believe that...
jailbreaking is legal
hmmm... well you can always look on the bright side
What bright side?
Think of all those voided warranties!

Posted almost 13 years ago
12 524 direct views
comics apple microsoft iphone

Comments (2)


in my experience, theyll find a way to weasel themselves out of having to do anything anyways. F✡✞K YOU APPLE. worst customer service ive ever had to deal with. 6 hours on hold, and JB'ing solved it because it was a memory leak in your OS -_- f✡✞king assholes.

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