It's funny because Liberals think they're some sort of Godsend yet they're the ones running us into the ground and throwing the blame on everyone but themselves.
Admittedly, Liberals do have better social policies, however it does not make up for the fact that they can't spend money correctly. Hell, they're called LIBERALS. they just throw money at problems and then ask for more and more. Republicans on the other hand CAN fix this country, but their social policies are flawed and hardcore biased.
The only way we're going to get ANYWHERE is MODERATION and EQUALITY. Liberal Social policies and Conservative Fiscal policies are the answer, yet you f✡✞kers are too "my side knows best" that "bi-partisan" is a joke that our great grandparents used to tell.
Comments (12)
It's funny because Liberals think they're some sort of Godsend yet they're the ones running us into the ground and throwing the blame on everyone but themselves.
Admittedly, Liberals do have better social policies, however it does not make up for the fact that they can't spend money correctly. Hell, they're called LIBERALS. they just throw money at problems and then ask for more and more. Republicans on the other hand CAN fix this country, but their social policies are flawed and hardcore biased.
The only way we're going to get ANYWHERE is MODERATION and EQUALITY. Liberal Social policies and Conservative Fiscal policies are the answer, yet you f✡✞kers are too "my side knows best" that "bi-partisan" is a joke that our great grandparents used to tell.